Anthony Hombiat

Anthony Hombiat


I'm currently working as a research engineer on a datasets sharing platform called PerSCiDO, in the GRICAD laboratory, Grenoble. The goal of this project is to provide Web semantic oriented tool enabling metadata description of scientific datasets in order to foster knowledge sharing in the research community

A year ago, I worked as a research engineer in the Alpine Ecology Laboratory. I developped a software suite for the harvesting, exploration and analysis of DNA sequences from the Alpine flora in the context of the PhyloAlps project.

During my PhD in the geomatics LIG-STeamer research team, I was involved in Volunteered Geographic Information: I proposed Models, methods and tools for building a knowledge base from the OpenStreetMap tags so as to facilitate open geographic data production and sharing.

Before these doctorate years, I worked as an engineer developing a Flood Historical Database together with its acquisition/exploration interface founded by the Ministry of the Environment. In the mean time, I joined the European project ESPON Database: an online portal for statistical indicators.

In addition to my experience in public research, I also worked, during my Master's, in the Ingénie Agency for creating Web sites for local authorities. I also worked for Georeference Online in Vancouver to build an Aristotelian Ontology Editor.